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Cross Plains Public Library (TX)

April Minutes

Minutes Approved on May 13, 2019

This is a condensed version of our minutes.  The term “we” applies to all members present, except if noted.  Complete minutes are available at the library.

Cross Plains Public Library

Board of Directors Meeting

April 8, 2019


The meeting was convened at 9:33 a.m.  by President Jan Bond.

Others present were Sheila Hamlin, Cher Ptacek, Ann Beeler, Marsha Ossowski, Linda Burns and Pete Cavagna, and Library Director Becky Collier. Michelle Kaiser and Dee Martin were absent.

The Agenda was approved.

The Minutes from March were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • The electric bill has been reduced substantially as we are now only turning on three computers and have adjusted the thermostat.

The treasurer’s report was approved.

Director’s Report:

  • March library stats were presented.
  • 1 new library card was issued.
  • Lap has increased to 19 compared to 11 last year.
  • There is an issue with a patron complaint regarding our library computer filters. Consensus of the board is if he continues to be disrespectful, he will be banned from the library.
  • Linda is diligently working on updating our membership.


  • Trull Foundation awarded $3000 for books and weekend snacks for the J29 Project.
  • Tocker Foundation awarded $2004 for Becky and Jan to attend the Texas Library Association Conference next week in Austin.
  • MS Doss received our proposal for the new kitchen. No timeline is given for a decision.


  • Robert E. Howard Days is the only upcoming event we are participating in.

Old Business:

  • City and County 10-year contracts are ready for signatures.
  • Internet use: The timer has been set an hour prior and an hour post business hours. A board member working in the library during non-business hours may manually turn on.

New Business:

  • April is volunteer month. We will thank our volunteers in the upcoming newsletter and in the newspaper. In 2020 we will consider doing a reception in their honor.
  • Cher advised the newsletter will be completed after the Texas Library Association Conference.

Book to Movie:

  • Linda advised 10 patrons attended and it was well received.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.